Plastic Disposables Are So Yesterday!

Oy! The smells, the excessive eating, the clink of empty beer bottles – the joys of Memorial Day! From food to friends to every BBQ scent imaginable, it’s almost like you need a holiday after the holiday, just to recover! Perhaps I’ll be ready and recovered by the time July 4th rolls around.

Looking to keep on grilling, even if the holiday is over? Why not make your next BBQ a little greener?

The Daily Green has great recipes and suggestions for a greener BBQ season, including Green Grilling Tips and their favorite Organic Beers.

Make sure to feature organic produce, free range meats, and wild fish! If you can get your hands on a piece of wild salmon, why not shake it up with a little Tennessee bourbon?’s Al Dente blog is featuring a series of Grill Season Kick-Off recipes, including a savory Maple Syrup and Bourbon-Glazed Salmon.

And if you’re going green, forget about traditional (and wasteful) disposables! Natural Value has both compostable and recyclable products, from plates to utensils. We frequently used Stalk Market items for our caterings, and they were a big hit.

Follow these tips and your guests will be impressed with your sustainable soirée!

Image details: Meat The Animals served by

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