US Pork Producers Quick to Assure Food Safety

Posted by Jennifer Heigl

The National Pork Producers Council released a statement yesterday stating that U.S. pork supply is safe to eat. Amid rampant concerns for pork safety after the recent swine flu outbreak in Mexico, the NPPC was quick to comment that the virus cannot be caught or spread by eating pork products.

“Pork is safe to eat, and direct contact with swine is not the source of, and U.S. pigs have not been infected with, the hybrid influenza that has been identified in a number of people in the United States and more than 1,300 in Mexico.

“NPPC wants to assure domestic and global consumers about the safety of pork and urges pork producers to tighten their existing biosecurity protocols to protect their pigs from this virus, including restricting public access to barns,” the [NPPC] statement went on to say.

Nonetheless, the U.S. Center for Disease Control is still recommending that anyone feeling flu-like symptoms remain at home in order to reduce the opportunity to get others sick.

You can read the NPCC’s full statement regarding the U.S. pork supply here.

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