Food Links: Food Inc. Opens Nationwide, Top Chef Masters Leak, Coffee and the Muppets

Food documentary Food Inc. opens nationwide today! Interested in finding a theatre near you? Check out the master list! Looking for a few reviews of the controversial film? Variety has one here and we linked to few on our initial post about the movie.

Oooh, the food blog world is all a-twitter about the possible leak from Bravo’s Top Chef Masters. YumSugar reported this morning that food writer Grace Ann Walden announced the show’s winner in her newsletter last week. The rumored winner? Frontera Grill’s Rick Bayless. Even if Rick is the winner, most of us will still continue to watch the show. After all, at least with Top Chef Masters, it’s really more about the crazy competitions and less about the end-all-be-all celebrity winner.

Oh thanks, Serious Eats, for digging up such a fun, old-school commercial! The food blog posted a Wilkins Coffee commercial from the late 1950’s featuring early versions of our beloved Muppets. Though the clip doesn’t feature any familiar Muppet faces, you can certainly see the beginnings of Kermit.

Finally, it’s Real Food Wednesday! Head on over to Real Food Media’s Cheeseslave blog for today’s Real Food Wednesday Blog Carnival links!

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