Rounding Up Food and Travel Trend Predictions for 2019

2019 Food and Travel Trends []

A new year, a new pile of lists! From futures to food, predictions are always to be had at the start of a new calendar. Our picks from the researched, reviewed, and sometimes random guesses at where food, drink, and travel is headed in 2019!

Food & Drink Trends

Writer Eustacia Huen of Forbes seems to have started off the pack of food predictions with winners right out of the gate. Published back in November, her five picks ranked at-home dining and increased automation at the top, in addition to some of the common predictions noted below.

These won’t be your average face-recognizing automatons or AI-powered ordering systems in fast food restaurants, but robots that actually make your food, delivering room service in hotels, and “self-driving” bots taking orders plus escorting customers to specific tables at sitdown restaurants.

“Empowering purchases” – foodstuffs with a cause – were on numerous lists, in addition to eco-friendly packaging and meatless snacks, building on the years-long sustainability curve. The word “pegan” (paleo + vegan) was surprisingly used often, including a nod from the great Kim Severson. The New York Times food maven also predicts more mocktails in 2019 and “the next big lettuce.”

Nation’s Restaurant News reporter Bret Thorn is on the mocktail train as well, hoping for better spirit-free cocktails across the board. He also expects oat milk to make its way into diners’ hearts as cold brew makes its way out.

You’re likely to see more vegetable-based main courses and “donuts with non-traditional fillings,” as far as casual dining goes, according to Food Business News. A little of column A, a little of column B. 

THC and hemp were also top food trend mentions, readily available on a few select restaurant and bar menus already, in addition to every day food and drink items from sodas to power bars.  


Travel Trends

Transformational travel seems to be the the name of the game in 2019. Continued evolution and personal growth are at the forefront of travelers’ minds. The women’s movement has been at the center of politics, and will continue to be a driving force elsewhere, as the demand for female-centric tours and solo itineraries increases in 2019.

Forbes says ecotourism will stay at the top as a hot travel topic, boutique travel agencies will continue to grow in popularity, and the Caribbean will “bounce back” following a series of devastating hurricanes over the last few years. Australia-based Travel Weekly says that many “forgotten destinations” are also on the rise.

National Geographic declares that “sustainability will become more community-oriented” with 2019 travel, meaning “vacationers are no longer content merely sustaining—they want to enrich the places they visit.” Volunteerism, immersion, and exploration will be travel priorities, with bucket lists falling to the wayside, and space becoming the final travel frontier.

Finally, Atlas Obscura predicts more pudding in 2019. Just in general.


~Jennifer Matthewson


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