Food, Wine, and Spirits

Imbibery highlights and culinary delights!

A guy with two thumbs up

Daily Blender Exclusive: Author and Bartender Jim Meehan

My travel to New Orleans for Tales of the Cocktail was a little rough. In an effort to get a few extra hours in on my first visit to the city, I had booked myself on a red-eye, foolishly thinking I would be able to sleep, as I had a million times before, on the cross-country flight.

Brenda Crow

Quick Spin: FoodShed’s Brenda Crow

Ever wish you had a trusted food friend? Someone you can call up at any given point and ask, “What do I do with these fiddlehead ferns?” Portland-based FoodShed, owned by food professional Brenda Crow, is sort of an online version of that friend.

Maneuvering Through Maui – Restaurant Picks on the Hawaiian Island

When Maui calls, you have to answer. Since my last magical visit to the island, I’ve dreamed of nothing but palm trees and the warm breeze that greets when you when arrive. The solitude of cruising down a sunny two-lane, oceanside highway. The welcoming ‘aloha’, the thoughtful ‘mahalo’.