Master Chef Adria To Dip His Fingers Into Pizza

Posted by Jennifer Heigl

Famed master chef, and owner/executive chef of El Bulli, Ferrán Adrià, has decided to venture into the pizza-making business! According to the Los Angeles Times, Adrià, along with his brother and collaborator, Alberto Adrià, are in the process of developing a new pizzeria to be located in Barcelona. Known for his avant-garde style of cooking, more commonly referred to as ‘molecular gastronomy’, Adrià hopes to create an ‘honest interpretation’ of the popular food.

“We’ll learn to make it well, this national dish of yours,” Alberto told La Stampa, the daily newspaper in Turin, during his recent visit to the city in the northwestern region of Piedmont.

For traditional Italian pizza makers, or pizzaioli, the feelings are mixed on the famed chef attempting his own version of the revered dish.

Giulio Ferrari, owner of Pizzeria La Cozza, said he was thrown by the news of Adrià wanting to get into pizza. “I hope he’s not going to deconstruct it too much and turn it into a foam,” he said.

Some are also concerned about the use of additives in the new pizza creation, noting Adrià’s support of a European Union project to promote synthetic food chemicals.

You can read the complete article from the Los Angeles Times here.

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